The Platypus Café
Taipei, Taiwan
30 坪
來自維也納的滑板品牌 Simple longboard 計畫在2019年打造全球第一間概念店,座落地點從5個城市中來評估,其中包含阿姆斯特丹、首爾、臺北、東京、維也納;最終由我們的城市—臺北 脫穎而出,成為 Simple longboard 全球概念店計劃中的第一個座落城市。
The Platypus Café, envisioned by Vienna's longboard brand — Simple Longboard, is more than a skateboard shop. It's the brand's first global concept store, uniquely located in Taipei, a city that outshone contenders like Amsterdam, Seoul, and Tokyo.
Simple longboard 概念店並非一間板店,而是以 The Platypus Café 傳達 Simple 的理念:「一切就是以簡單 開始串連著一個又一個微妙的關係」
“ 城市與人、人與咖啡、咖啡與長板、長板與人 ”
城市中的人來人往經常透過咖啡店產生連結,藉由滑板的 lifestyle,我們聚焦於追逐旅程、享受生活的概念,帶入滑板的地景關係,並將公路感置入,旅途氣息透過一根根風化木條與仙人掌隨性訴說。
This café captures the essence of Simple's philosophy: fostering intricate connections through simplicity. It's a place where urban vibes, coffee culture, the longboarding spirit, and personal bonds blend. The narrative of travel and lifestyle is woven into its design, featuring weathered wood and cacti, symbolizing life's journeys and connections.