Tei by O’bond


Taipei, Taiwan

44 坪
York Yeh
Fore Furniture
Zhen Zhen lab


漫穿幽暗窄巷 抖落紛擾塵事

緣光之明滅 聞聲之輕重
巷盡敞開門 豁然成廣闊

舊時昔事 交疊粼粼波光
日新初識 蒸餾滴滴醇真
一觴一茗 詠嘆縈縈餘韻

任風味馳騁味蕾 任回憶激盪想像

  • 以台灣寺廟文化「右進左出」的動線,自然的引導顧客完整的體驗。

[ tei ] by O'Bond 沓沓仔・明茗茶酒研究室,以台灣記憶為原點,譜寫茶之風味篇章。主理人透過實驗分析,訴說對於風味的再詮釋,譜出精巧的研究式茶酒,擴張味蕾、嘗試對於茶酒滋味的感知想像。

[ tei ] by O'Bond, a unique concept rooted in Taiwanese memory, crafts a narrative of tea's flavor through Tauh-Tauh-a - Ming Ming's Tea & Liquor Research Lab. The visionary behind this project delves into experimental analysis to reinterpret the essence of flavor, composing intricate, research-inspired Tea-Infused Cocktails. This venture expands the sensory horizons, challenging and reimagining the conventional perceptions of Tea-Infused cocktail tastes.

  • 巷弄氛圍的入口長廊

  • 按照自然光源的分佈來分配空間機能,於白天使用的茶室引入自然光照、予人豐富的明暗感受。



Amidst the dynamic streets of Guangfu South Road, a space where the rustic charm of rusted iron and wood narrates a warm tale of tea, wine, and human connection. This concept, embracing "space within a space" and a "circular flow", weaves a poetic ambiance.

Entering through a simple, dimly lit alley, the pace slows, leading to a sunny tea room. This haven, filled with the aroma of tea, evokes serene memories, reminiscent of tranquil, shaded spots in a park, familiar and calming.

  • 泛照悠揚日光的茶室,香氣瀰漫的茶亭與長凳共築日常風景,恍如孩提時阿公總是乘涼的公園樹下,景色親切恬靜。

  • 透過茶水的重量,啟動自動門的開關來進入酒水場域。

  • 導入台灣人待客之道「奉茶儀式 」的美意,讓客人感覺賓至如歸。



To enter the hidden bar, guests participate in a unique "tea serving" ritual. At night, this tea ceremony marks the entrance to the bar. Inside, the décor, featuring green serpentine tiles and wicker liquor cabinets, brings back nostalgic memories.

The seating area, against a backdrop of rusted iron, represents the change brought by fermentation, connecting the space's interior and exterior. In the bar, an elevated floor design ensures comfortable interactions with bartenders, enhancing the overall experience and making conversations more engaging.

  • 酒吧座位區

  • 吧檯座位區域

  • 集合不同領域台灣設計師合作的空間軟件,如:手工訂製吧台椅、制服設計。

  • 為了使調酒師和客人之間能順暢交流,將吧台的工作區架高地坪,促使雙方的視線能呈現水平。

  • 使用具備台灣在地文化的材質顏色與器具,如:朱紅色塗料外牆、綠蛇紋岩地磚、戶外抿石子地板、藤編織酒櫃、原木訂製長凳。

  • 集合不同領域台灣設計師合作的空間軟件,如:石虎畫作、花玻璃燈具、模擬茶酒發酵聲音的聲音藝術。

  • 以台灣寺廟文化「右進左出」的動線,自然的引導顧客完整的體驗。

走在[ tei ]裡,隨腳步的移動體驗明與暗的交錯變化,所到之處氣氛亦漸次轉移,研究室主人的實驗路且慢且行,捧著熾熱之心邀請訪客入內探尋,窺探關於風味的無限異彩,推開粗獷木皮門離去的那刻鐘,獨特的感官記憶從此印記。

In [ tei ], the journey is as much about the changing ambiance as it is about the destination. The play of light and shadow alters the mood as you move, echoing the lab owner's thoughtful exploration of flavors. Inviting guests to discover this world, the experience culminates in leaving with a lasting impression, a sensory memory uniquely tied to this place.


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