Radius Office
Taipei, Taiwan
Floral Design
38 坪
YangYi Studio
「 伴境,“伴”意味著夥伴,“境”則描繪空間與環境,伴境以空間使用者為軸心,透過完整地傾聽與理解,向外圈劃出人與環境深刻連結的和諧場域。」
"Banjing" ("伴境"), where "ban" ("伴") signifies partnership and "jing" ("境") depicts space and environment, places the users at its core. RADIUS Interior Design, thorough listening, and understanding extend outward, drawing a harmonious realm that deeply connects people with the environment.
伴境成立的第 6 年,揮別了相伴數年光陰的民生社區,我們四處尋覓棲身地、齊心發想。這一回,伴境將以自己為圓心擘畫出一個嶄新的圓。
In our sixth year, we leave behind the familiar Minsheng Community, which has been a part of our journey, to seek a new sanctuary. This marks a new beginning for Radius Office, as we envision a fresh circle centered around our collective aspirations.
Our workspace is crafted to be inviting and cozy, yet inspiring and tranquil, offering a secluded area for work surrounded by the soothing presence of sunlight and nature. Located in a quiet alley, yet in the lively Siwei Road commercial district, our studio maintains a relaxed atmosphere. We embrace the rhythm of the seasons, allowing natural light to cascade through courtyards and windows, energizing the space in any weather condition.
於 25 坪的空間裡,我們盡可能地消彌內與外的關係,並運用簡約的線條來繪製。而質樸的材料一直都是伴境作品中常見的元素,它們展現時間的更迭之美且蘊含自然風采,彷彿與我們一同在這裡呼吸、感受生活。
In a space of 25 ping (approximately 82.5 square meters), we've intentionally softened the distinction between inside and outside, applying minimalist design principles. The use of rustic materials, a hallmark of our work, captures the beauty of natural aging and brings an effortless grace to our environment, as if living and breathing with us.
We anticipate evolving alongside our space, deliberately incorporating open areas for future growth and adventures, fostering a setting filled with potential and promise for what's to come.